20 October 2020

The lecture studies the nature of constitutionalism in the Islamic world and how it deviates radically from the Liberal-Democratic Tradition. Most importantly, the objective of the state is not to aggregate preferences or reflect popular opinions, but to implement the Sharia. This has radical implications for the nature of executive authority and accountability. The speaker would also present a model of Islamic constitutionalism and discuss what it tells us about why Islamic constitutions look different.

James Robinson
James Robinson | Lecturer
James Robinson is a renowned political scientist and economist and faculty director of The Pearson Institute for the Study and Resolution of Global Conflicts. His research focuses on political economy, comparative politics and economic and political development, with a particular interest in Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. Professor Robinson received his PhD from Yale University, his MA from the University of Warwick, and his BSc from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
Ruben Enikolopov
Спикер Рубен Ениколопов | Научно-популярный портал РЭШ Received his PhD in economics from Harvard University. Since 2008 he has been a professor at NES, and since 2013 - a professor at the University of Pompeu Fabra (Spain). One of the leading experts in the field of economic data analysis. The professor's research is published in the top 5 scientific journals in economics according to Scopus.